Meld this story with *lincoln's post today in 'Open'
and the question of How? can such vicious misanthropes receive certification as Police Officers (?) becomes easier to deduce:
some of those Texas students will become Cops.
They will do so with the civilization-level of a feral child, abandoned in a city slum to the mercies of (the predecessors of) These Cops.
It shall be all they know, as all the 'civics', history and related civilizing courses shall have gone ^Zoooom^,
the lessons hourly over-written 24/7 by ear-bud-news: of Ashton *cough* Kutcher, another new guitar player? or the winner of some sports spectacular.
(All I know fershure is: pre-Shogunate, I could not have made this shit up.. while trying to pen The Great Dystopian Novel)
--the plot would have made it to Laugh-In for the ripping off of my epaulets.
Now, it is assumed that we shall continue to wring-hands, suck-it-up and clock-in to The Corporate Desk computer. Indefinitely.
* Yeah.. who DID "win the civil war?" (Also: who were the players? forget: what it was about--that's post-grad stuff.)
From whom did the US revolt (successfully)?
Will they take US back, in our dotage???