With that experience -
You're ahead - not a lot of difference among drug- religion- peer- brainwashing. Habit handles the ongoing behaviour, once the er engrams get the old neurons lined-up in lock-step.
(Your experience may be recyclable BTW, even more valuable in Your Own Field: creating a 12-step for those wearing Suits and now terminally addicted to Bestial-upgrading: as a malevolent money sump - which results in treating employees as commodities.) This may be a more insidious addiction than any of the above ;-)
Hey..! I could contribute to the slogans for your new vocation (?) (though these won't help the 17 yo so much as a clue-by-4 administered to the pineal gland.)
Don't let SAP sap your brains...
You wouldn't eat sh*t preloaded on your plate - why eat Win MErde?
(Even) DOS programs still work today; how come ya need new Windoze about every other year?
It's 11 pm. Where is Your Data being held hostage tonight?
Windoze? .nyet! Learn it. Follow it. Declare independence.
Ever heard of a computer not being rebooted for 5 years? We've got it!
You can get it.
That place.. "Where you wanted to go today" - did you ever get there?
Etc. (one has to start with simple jingles when facing institutionalized dumbth, y'know)
Luck with the tyke (just an older tyke),