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New The reference interview
I work in an academic library and, among other things, run the reference desk. Our students are the very finest product of state public secondary education. Many of them are way smarter than I am. Others? Suffice it to say that sometimes I despair of public secondary education in my state.

Student: Do you have books on politics?
Me: Yes, we do. Can you tell me a bit more about your topic?
Me: See, we have a lot of them and they cover many different facets of politics. The more you can tell me about your topic, the better I can direct you to the right books.
Student: Politics and knowledge
Me: Okay, do you mean a knowledgeable electorate?
Student: Knowledge in politics
Me: That can mean a lot of different things. What kind of knowledge are you interested in?
Student: Political

Turns out she wanted data driven policy making at the state level, but it took me twenty minutes to drag that out of her.

Gott im Himmel
New :-)
New Many calls for, 'the meaning of Life'? ... (or liff... whatever, duuude..)
     The reference interview - (gcareaga) - (2)
         :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
         Many calls for, 'the meaning of Life'? ... (or liff... whatever, duuude..) -NT - (Ashton)

I choose vodka and Chaka Khan.
33 ms