are as fucked as their election ones.
I have some experience with "Huckleberry House" in SF, some years back. Do a Google on just that. It might be illuminating; at least give you some basis for evaluating whatever is available to you. Since I knew one of their counselors, I got a mini-education on the Way things Worked, where intelligence fit in, discretion etc. All in all - they produced good results. I once gave 'shelter' briefly to an in-betweener: by then parentless. While she wasn't a klepto - let's just say that she had other 'issues'. I learned that I din't know shit about the psych. of many of these kids -- but that: Some Did know a lot.
All of which doesn't help you much - except for me to say that (IMhO) - Yes, Virginia there *Are* Santa Clauses, people whose motivation is not $$, whose plans, methods are not airy-fairy -- and who know more than me & thee about (often enough) getting the Attention of kids who are the - yes Victims as well as whatever Else - of the generally inane and chaotic culture we have unleashed upon the cheeldrun, after doing it to ourselves. Hell, they could even work with some ones who were budding miniature Billys and Ballys, it seemed.
(No reflection upon you & yours either: as all know -- it's Peer pressure which Rulez.) Just listen to the -bitch- lyrics and notice the 13 yo 'simulated-sex' dance ref'd in a post here recently. You know all this stuff..
My suggestion is, that you try to rummage among your local acquaintances for someone personally familiar with whatever are the possibilities across agencies -- before 'formally' just using the yellow pages for an entree. You may find something as advanced as Huckleberry -- if you're bloody fortunate. But you'd need some informed inside opinion to learn how to work Your system, get past certain BS filters that are always frustrating. ie set radar to find Intelligence. It would be a mistake to suppose that everyone doing this kind of work is doing so because - they can't learn C or how to sell fodder to sheep.
Good Luck,