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New Could be on the wrong side of PC here
Governor Brown has just signed a piece of ill-considered legislation. Under this law it seems to me that if two people, one male and one female, more-or-less equally intoxicated, should happen to fall into bed with one another, it is vanishingly unlikely that any buyer's remorse on the male's part would be considered actionable, whereas the female has every opportunity to cry "rape." Sorry, but I don't buy it.

In my salad days, I was sitting upright in my dorm room bed one evening reading The Wind in the Willows, of all things, when there was an insistent knock on my door. This proved to be a young woman from down the hall, whom I then scarcely knew, returned from a party in downtown Santa Cruz celebrating her twenty-first birthday. She was somewhat the worse for strong drink. She was accompanied by a companion from her party. I was wearing a caftan with enormous access under the arms, and the young woman slipped her hand through the left access to fondle my bare bum. The companion being dismissed, she kicked the door closed and announced that twenty-one years were quite long enough to have remained unpenetrated.

I did her, my auditors, drunk as she was. Under current California law, I could be prosecuted. Was I wrong? We're still in occasional contact, and she does not fault my conduct in this episode. But suppose she had?

New Been there, done that
Failed to fight them off. Drink makes them horny.
And yes, under the new law, it would be rape.
New so today, wearing the caftan an intoxicated gurl shows up, fondles yer bum
she is smoking hot, and the missus would never know, would you send her on her way? I think you might at that.

at the age you were, I would do the same. As I learn more about females as I grow older I would tell her to come back sober and I would make her dynamo hum.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 59 years. meep
New The hot girl who shows up to fondle me today...
would likely be so intoxicated that she'd be a plausible candidate to aspirate on her own vomit, in which case I might be keen to have her expire off the premises: one hates to spend the weekend on depositions at the county coroner's office. So yes, I'd send her on her way. Although I've attempted to remain halfway presentable, I've become the Invisible Man with respect to fertile young women, and this is as it should be. Of course, were I to cash in one of the larger occasional lottery jackpots, I do not doubt that my many fine qualities would become apparent to at least a segment of this demographic—probably somewhere on the spectrum of cynicism between extreme ultraviolet and gamma rays (or am I too optimistic here?).

New Re: Could be on the wrong side of PC here
The law isn't about day after regrets, it is about the ability to consent or withhold consent. A woman is vulnerable in a state of gross intoxication. A man in a similar state would likely be unable to perform.

Your partner for the evening was coherent enough to affirmatively consent, and did so. You wouldn't be charged. If charged, you would just need one man to have a hung jury.
New Quite.
New You're optimistic ... "wouldn't be charged" ... where've you been?

New Now, perhaps... But probably not back then
Christian R. Conrad
Same old username (as above), but now on iki.fi

(Yeah, yeah, it redirects to the same old GMail... But just in case I ever want to change.)
New (Would said juror have to be well hung?)
     Could be on the wrong side of PC here - (rcareaga) - (8)
         Been there, done that - (crazy)
         so today, wearing the caftan an intoxicated gurl shows up, fondles yer bum - (boxley) - (1)
             The hot girl who shows up to fondle me today... - (rcareaga)
         Re: Could be on the wrong side of PC here - (gcareaga) - (4)
             Quite. -NT - (pwhysall)
             You're optimistic ... "wouldn't be charged" ... where've you been? -NT - (drook) - (1)
                 Now, perhaps... But probably not back then - (CRConrad)
             (Would said juror have to be well hung?) -NT - (Ashton)

Where is a super volcano when you need one?
46 ms