but Wow.. their products had no andante moderato but a few codas, anyway. (I quite understood that their works were, at base: wry satire, thus catchy-tunes weren't exactly a priority.)
To my jaundiced ears, The Beatles grokked-to-adequacy the Power of a nuanced and critical sense of Loudness, recognized Why.. ppp and ƒƒƒ Matter; their harmonies Were (harmonies) and their songs Sing-able without transistorized effects, fuzz-tones and such. People really did leave a Yellow Submarine show: singing.
This I saw, twice, at least.

Glad you heard the London Phil. To me 'classically trained' means simply, that a one has learned the basic methodology for producing serene sounds, occasionally dissonant ones (since contrast is All) ... and something of what (most ears) discern as: something I want to hear More than Once.
(Of course mere words can never 'summarize' Music, but ... we all have to try.)