I gather that the projections of a squeaker demonstrated (again) that polling guesstimates are universally about as accurate as Econ predictions.

(PBS here is doing a marathon series on *The Roosevelts; tonight covered his extraordinary actions on first election--almost immediately flashing into action on numerous fronts: this-all after Hoover's merely/silently watching the place go down in flames. Superb use of the medium, especially for the young'uns without a historical clue.)

We're still in a Depression here--never mind the euphemisms--for a majority, nor is Euro free of many impending variants. Your kleptocracy seems a bit better-caged than our handful of slavering overlords. Wonder if this little soap-opera interlude bodes ill or healthy? for any sunnier outlook (long-term self-sufficiency, that is) in Blighty?. (I do expect better thinking over there; your peeps aren't nearly as demented.)

*They showed tonight an excellent quality clip of The Führer's little Reichstag skit re FDR's list of 31 nations: asking him to certify that, he wouldn't invade(!?) Commentator observed, "obviously he deemed the US to be no threat.." (Scary seeing this--with full realization of just what this single! psychopath was about to do/and did. Nukes? we shouldn't even have Bronze Age weapons.)