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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Had that on my Nokias for a couple of years
ETA: And who can be arsed with waving your phone around like an idiot at the cash register?

OTOH, I have a debit card which is contactless, and that Just Works in the kind of way that Apple would like you to believe their system does.
Collapse Edited by pwhysall Sept. 9, 2014, 02:54:00 PM EDT
Had that on my Nokias for a couple of years
New Yup. NFC payments sound great...
Lots of phones have had it a long time, and Apple's trying to play "last-mover" again. No doubt something like that is eventually going to replace cash and credit cards, but the devil's in the details.

Who's going to pay for all the scanners to read people's phones?

Does anyone think MC/Visa/AmEx/Diner'sClub/etc. is just going to go away? (Well, sure, Diner's Club, ...) Each of them is going to try to find a way to keep their toll-booth and not just let Apple control everything.

And who's liable when you get locked out or someone empties your account?

Lots of questions...

But it's good to see things moving forward. Competition with the bank cards is good.

(Who wonders if Google is going to push their Wallet a little harder now...)
New Reading through the Event liveblog...
It looks like they've said they've addressed lots of the things I brought up. We'll see.

But $349 Apple Watch + iPhone means that it won't come cheap...

New My card has a killer feature.
It has no battery to go flat.

And if I lose it or it gets stolen, I report it, and I get another one.

And if someone goes shopping in the interim, I'm automatically covered, as long as I report it.

And it works as a regular card when contactless isn't available or I spend more than £20.

I can use it in person, on the internet, at cashpoints.

That's more than one killer feature, really.
New You sound a bit like me
...telling kid brother (b. 1961) why I still pay my bills by paper checks. He is kind enough to mask his condescension.

New /condescension filter off
Checkbooks are like chamberpots. They are useful in an emergency or if you have an irrational fear that someone is going to steal your shit.

/filter on
     cashless transactions - (rcareaga) - (11)
         Damned right it will. - (Andrew Grygus)
         you could always move to cash nevada -NT - (boxley)
         Looking in on the Apple Watch - (rcareaga)
         Had that on my Nokias for a couple of years - (pwhysall) - (5)
             Yup. NFC payments sound great... - (Another Scott) - (4)
                 Reading through the Event liveblog... - (Another Scott)
                 My card has a killer feature. - (pwhysall) - (2)
                     You sound a bit like me - (rcareaga) - (1)
                         /condescension filter off - (gcareaga)
         Claimed 6% fraud rate on Apple Pay - (Another Scott) - (1)
             But the banks take the hit, so Apple is golden. - (a6l6e6x)

It’s professional wrestling.
48 ms