May hap ... nicotinoids in the new Corporate Kill-ALL-with one $$$saving Application, have deranged the susceptibles in the colony? LOTS of susceptibles.

(Think about how little of some Substance-X might have deranged the Murdochs, CIEIOs, Cheneys? within the most pestilent species ever brewed-up by deranged-Chance?)

What if we are ALL Slaves to Demon-Probability and certain/rare such possible- molecular assemblages?

Per XKCD: Astatine, for example: does Not Want To Exist: get a few molecules of That-together and they 'catch-fire' violently, to the point: that no one has ever SEEN! even micro-size samples of this Element. (Nope, not even the μGm specks via which Seaborg got first real data about Pu's chemistry.)

The (local-) Universe is weirder than our poor power to make human-killing and species-eliminating toxins du jour. Prey either Way: as to hoping we get ?better? at the snuffing of most-anything that was ever once alive. :-/

Are we not a whole-lot like living-Astatine? (while making metaphor-games for fun & profit while screwing all other Considerations.) Hey, isn't that what 99% of Corporations DO? Rest case. For the nonce.

Ergo: At is NOT the bee-killer substance; on to the next quadrillion+ combos :-/