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New My elderly aunties
Invite me to share on the Book of Face patriotic graphics bearing the sentiment "I will never apologize for saying God Bless America." I'm thinking, isn't this like them saying "I will never apologize for saying grace at a dinner attended exclusively by our devoutly Catholic family?" I mean, who is it, exactly, that they think is going to demand this apology? Oh, wait: it's some senior citizens who've been saving their saliva for the forty or fifty years since they last apocryphally spit upon Our Brave Boys inbound from Vietnam. And I'm thinking also, the likelihood of my being called upon to apologize for uttering that patriotic bromide is approximately equal to the chances of someone calling me out for desecrating Mt. Everest of the occasion of my taking a whiz from its summit. I've never said "God bless America" in a conversational tone (left off singing it back in the day—see above), and don't imagine I ever will.

New Re: My elderly aunties
The aunties do have that blind spot but are otherwise paragons of materteral virtue. That is why we refrain from admonishing them on the book of face, right?
New That particular anthem may be the most incisive summary ever,
of the American zeitgeist (then, via Kate Smith) and now, via the Murican one (via that lengthy contemporary list.)
Clearly Irving Berlin was more conversant with American-psyches than any trainer of Psychologists;
his ken magnified by his vast musical talent would, I think dwarf Gōbbels' mere word-salad talents by an order of magnitude.

The vignette is complete: it becomes the only-anthem-you-need for going the whole-hog (including the postage)
into the fantasy-Murica today inhabited by (that list.) It's bulletproof, completely impervious to any rebuttal,
correction, (wry-aside) or full-on frontal attack. It's Shrub-writ-Large:

You're WIth US(A) or You're against US(A)

My (other) gramma had a 78 of this: hand-crank Victrola. I preferred her When the Moon Comes Over the Mountain, thankyouverymuch.
     This is why conservative old white males need to be - (lincoln) - (5)
         The fucking pledge of fucking allegiance - (rcareaga) - (1)
             Curse you! Mr. Memory ..tryin to roll back towards proto-Murica - (Ashton)
         My elderly aunties - (rcareaga) - (2)
             Re: My elderly aunties - (gcareaga)
             That particular anthem may be the most incisive summary ever, - (Ashton)

Carefully labored prose!
35 ms