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New Seen from the Amtrak "Coast Starlight" on Friday
I took the train from Oakland to Oxnard CA on Friday. The trip took ten hours, but the seat was comfy and the legroom vast; nor did one have to endure any TSA-administered police state bullshit. Five minutes out of Paso Robles (irritatingly mispronounced by the cunductor as "Pass-oh roh-BAH-less") I happened to glance out the window and saw about ten or a dozen ancient rusted steel beer cans, with "church key" punctures on their tops, beside the track. In this country the beverage sector had switched to seamless aluminum containers with pull-tabs by 1965, so these cans must have lain undisturbed by the tracks since they were first deposited as litter half a century ago.

Elsewhere: a school of porpoises, about twenty in number, clearing the blue Pacific as the train rolled along the coast. And although I've lived in this state for over sixty years, I'd never seen until this past Friday the stretch of California coast between Gaviota and Pismo Beach. The highways go inland there, and access to the coast turns out to be the near-exclusive playground of the denizens of "Hollister Ranch," a development for rich folks (average property: 100 acres). State law says that you can use the beach if you reach it by sea. Otherwise, you either live in Hollister Ranch or you're chums with a resident. Miles and miles and miles of gorgeous beach with scarcely a soul thereupon. Apparently the National Park Service attempted to claim the coastline a couple of decades ago, but the landowners dropped a few hundred thou and engaged a former congresscritter to put paid to that notion.

These people will go right up against the wall come the revolution.

New Beautiful imagery. Thanks.
New I like long train journeys like that.
And I don't go on them anywhere near as much as I would like.

New I like train journeys
but only if I go first class.

Here, that doesn't have to cost much extra, if you book in advance.

And it's worth every. damn. penny.
New Missing the train
I will be in the former Yugoslavia later this month and traveling from Split to Mostar to Dubrovnik. I would have liked to travel by train while there, but Split is the southern terminus of Croatian rail. I will get some rail on the Italian side of the trip: Ancona to Bologna to Venice.

Some day I should like to take the Indian Pacific railroad from Sydney to Perth.
New Reminds me of a day train trip from Rhinecliff, NY to NYC.
It's along the East shore of the Hudson River. Totally different view of New York then by car or bus. The Hudson Valley is beautiful!

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

-- Isaac Asimov
     Seen from the Amtrak "Coast Starlight" on Friday - (rcareaga) - (5)
         Beautiful imagery. Thanks. -NT - (Another Scott)
         I like long train journeys like that. - (static)
         I like train journeys - (pwhysall) - (1)
             Missing the train - (gcareaga)
         Reminds me of a day train trip from Rhinecliff, NY to NYC. - (a6l6e6x)

Damn! Bloody %^@&^@ anal-retentive Geo Booleishness!
70 ms