Well, the Model picks a spot way S. as epicenter for this simulation.
Whether that is random (I doubt) or from lore and expectation that that point is the likely confluence? can only suppose the latter. Unclear if the epicenter Must-be in the overlap portion of their common azimuth. These two faults don't overlap for much of their extent, so there's a clue.
Separate roulette re. either one, solo. (Throw in San Andreas' count-down timer for further tragicomic relief: beats any manufactured-Game.)
If.. in-time before the event: cheap warning devices proliferate--like current Weather-emergency VHF boxes--I can be outta this cottage at-the-speed of-Moi (shooing a cat or two if inside: that's Easy.) Similarly, should the numbers crunch such that Rodgers Creek's rupture-probability gets a huge boost? Well ... I have a fondness for science; it's fed me since sentience.
Anyway, depending on New-numbers, I might well abandon my creekside patch to the next wannabe-Gentry, take the mo-nay, abandon 97% of mere-Stuff and migrate. Digs are fungible; wherever you go--there You are. (RV types grok this, right?)
Superseding that Master-plan, of course is the feral pair--master trap-evaders both--they won't be abandoned. If they prove better trap-evaders than the trapper?
I guess we'll all go together when we go. {Fanfare}
(Not really worth worrying about, actually; may be an honourable-evasion of now expectable Barricade Duty--always messy, that.)