One Can assemble significant utterances (from all multifaceted-sides) to ~support your reasoning here. (I don't count that as stupid, silly--just Murican-S.O.P.)
Whether taking-on: Grenada, Cuba, Panama, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, [or any religio-factions anywhere in the world!] To Date:
Where? Ever? has U.S. intrusion into Any of those ever proved to have accomplished a long-term aka Viable-thus valuable Plan, thence effectively carried out to fruition?
I believe that's the (wordy) relevance of the little Logic-essay(s) referenced. Why would any of us suppose that "U.S. Policy" re Russia/Putin/et al would?/Could! be exceptional to this huge, historic record of Pax-cluelessness-Americana.
(cf. all references to Murican Exceptionalism for the accompanying laugh-track.)
Are 'we' not the very Icon of sanctimonious-while-incompetent Empire construction? W.T.F. did you expect "we would do"?
And Yes: IF.. some shooting war does devolve from current sabre-rattling: is that not the entirely expectable outcome? as via any other rogue-Empire with more weapons (than the Sum of the world's current armed-and-dangerous.)
Whether taking-on: Grenada, Cuba, Panama, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, [or any religio-factions anywhere in the world!] To Date:
Where? Ever? has U.S. intrusion into Any of those ever proved to have accomplished a long-term aka Viable-thus valuable Plan, thence effectively carried out to fruition?
I believe that's the (wordy) relevance of the little Logic-essay(s) referenced. Why would any of us suppose that "U.S. Policy" re Russia/Putin/et al would?/Could! be exceptional to this huge, historic record of Pax-cluelessness-Americana.
(cf. all references to Murican Exceptionalism for the accompanying laugh-track.)
Are 'we' not the very Icon of sanctimonious-while-incompetent Empire construction? W.T.F. did you expect "we would do"?
And Yes: IF.. some shooting war does devolve from current sabre-rattling: is that not the entirely expectable outcome? as via any other rogue-Empire with more weapons (than the Sum of the world's current armed-and-dangerous.)