Yes, it comes down to that eventually / somewhere - which is why I believe that no significant change is *quite yet* thinkable. This because the vast majority of people possess no representation, such as might fight fairly (within an actually functioning system) for a succession of reforms, after actual debate.
World is 8+ billions. US hovers ~ 300M. Kings insured hegemony via the same ideas about 'inherited wealth' ... long before a single (non-King) person could acquire the wealth/power to 'hire' the services of (however many $30B say - buys today?).
'We' created! Corporations, remember? We *could* change the rules - anytime enough NON-Corporate power were to coalesce around that elementary idea. "Many of the rights of a person / few of the liabilities / and 0 responsibility to society overall" -- is what we have allowed to become the de facto case. And the abuses are evident and in many areas; the perhaps most devastating one is of course -- that manifestly they *do* "hire" our supposed representatives, and successfully block all efforts to reform that crucial stage before reform is possible:
A US Congress reperesenting the broad range of US people and not the 3-5% yada yada.
No point in suggesting here a reform-slate: it isn't going to even begin until matters in the street have deteriorated even further, schools become literally unmanageable.. and a few other predictable parts of the disintegration process we are seeing daily.
"Distribution of wealth" IS everybody's business, however warily one must proceed from that fact. The present form of VERY-circumscribed distribution is the Disneyland thin-veneer of apparent 'prosperity', based upon massive consumption of goods. Most of those goods are more about convenience and amusement than about basic needs, for the rich and for the declining middle-class. The fastest growing class is however, a population who cannot afford actual necessities - even working FULL TIME (and often more than one place to do so). None of these shall ever 'own' a home (more dreams - we Like those).
(And without a job, no former middle-class person could afford health insurance - our medicine 'delivery system' can bankrupt Anyone within a few days; certainly within a week.) For there never having been a supported/subsidized effort to massively create affordable housing: these ones shall never have that entree to accumulation of savings - the Govt. tax-subsidized home purchase [that IS 'the middle class']. The rents are guaranteed to remain as high as the medical costs stay, for all obvious reasons.
No, I don't believe we're ripe quite yet. Still, depending upon Dubya + Iraq (and some nukes among India/Pakistan/Israel?) -- maybe we shall become ripe sooner than I imagine just now.
And no - you can't advise your company to ignore the status-quo any more than Germans could complain to the Ministry of Propaganda about.. Kristallnacht. Katch 23.
[US President, played by Henry Fonda in Failsafe, to the Russian Premier -- as he is about to destroy NY because, we're killing Moscow]
says ~
We BUILT this sytem of mistrust between our two countries - and we can unbuild it.. we MUST !!!
I feel *the same way* about the TRADITIONAL, inculcated hegemony of the 3-5%, and the brainwashing of our children (just as we did re acceptance the King's rule of yore) into the belief that this IS the best we can do as homo-saps. Wave that flag!
It fucking-well IS NOT. We HAVE the "Authority" - in our Constitution, but even that is not written in stone - it is alive, and we are supposed to be. But collectively we evidently lack the purpose and the will: most of 'us' would rather PLAY, be passively infotained and always: entertained, at least 16/7.