drook makes his points a tad intemperately, but he's certainly spot-on when he observes that that the issue of marijuana's legal and social status makes a rather dimmer glow on most of our radars than it does on mmoffitt's. Left to my own devices (without, that is, the prospect of "losing my situation" should the cunning contract chemists of BDS ever detect forbidden compounds in my pee) I would likely indulge perhaps two or three times a year. Legalization doesn't loom large in my personal politics, though I'm of course gratified to see that we appear to be in the early stages of a paradigm shift very long overdue.

I'm unspeakably relieved to learn that mmoffitt no longer holds the "firm view that anyone who used marijuana qualified for immediate execution - no exceptions." That he believed this at one time does not, it seems to me, make for a very persuasive argument that THC shaves off IQ points, since that is a very stupid position for a pot-abstaining 21 year-old to advance. Certainly if we take that stance as our baseline, mmoffitt has attained a measure of wisdom since then.
