Horrorshow.. another one.. Sorry: so close-to-home, Greg :-/
So many.. now daily 'reported' by News Clowns [Thanks, PKDick] picking-out, er, extirpating-from the growing mass of similar atrocities (on more- and more-often.. levels.)
Whether physical acts, brain-damaged hallucinations or old-fashioned premeditated lying-with-words: are we not amidst a dis-integration of magnitude as might next earn the appellation, The Age of Anti-reason? (a repeal of that earlier cognomen, now in its process of repeal?)
Well.. we can't ever truly-erase knowledge of such events as these, but insofar as impressions allowed-in to one's collection--the overall sum of these--comprise our own history: must we not try mightily to 'erase' This one, and (now predictably) the next one too?
I mean: too-many of these, juxtaposed with far fewer clinically-insane, stored events of yore: surely erode any remaining equanimity, ergo Sanity ... amidst those still resistant to the effects of dis-integration
(which is either the Cause? or Effect? of those previous Ages-of-____ so beloved of assigned-essays in every History class, ever.
Carrion. (But please, not-to-eat until everyone is served!) That's just plain civility, however little of that remains, currently.