Post #392,159
7/20/14 1:40:28 PM
Word of the day: Precariat.
PrecariatSuch things should be part of the realm of fiction or history, not an accurate descriptor of the present day. :-( (Via a comment at Balloon-Juice.) Cheers, Scott.
Post #392,165
7/20/14 6:02:02 PM
That's a new one for me.
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
-- Isaac Asimov
Post #392,177
7/21/14 2:01:01 AM
Ooh! a new portmanteau to go with my sackcloth..
Recognition vocab: +1, Thanks. In Precarity entry appears the phrase, We have no right to do this as long as there are slums and breadlines somewhere.[1] (Kinda sums up matters in the dis-USA, dunnit? along with Bangladesh, much of Africa and our other cohorts in-distress.)
I think this one has Legs in 2014-2016. Wonder how you landed there.. ;^> Like the Smart Thermostellar Bomb said, I must think on this.
Once you have a truly-descriptive Word.. NOW you can frame an entire Appeal to the *USSC for relief. * theoretically-speaking ... until a few successful impeachments, of course.
Post #392,181
7/21/14 9:51:15 AM
sorry that is a fail
proles by definition are not serfs or bourgeois one is a slave the other has some security and a trade or guild. All proles including myself live on the edge of instant tremendous poverty. I can deal with that. Many cannot. Trying to pretend that some proles have security is a wedge trying to divide the lowest part of financial society for reasons to their detriment. "I am less prole than you" doesn't benefit anyone but the wealthy
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 59 years. meep
Post #392,188
7/21/14 2:26:54 PM
7/21/14 2:28:21 PM
This is what's so frustrating
You're capable of stuff like this, but so frequently settle for cheap shots, coded language, and stirring up shit.
Edited by drook
July 21, 2014, 02:28:21 PM EDT
Post #392,192
7/21/14 3:47:39 PM
Second Drook
You are. not. an. Idiot. But you play one on Tee Vee (and here.) It's demeaning: either "we" can't-tell-the-difference? ('cause we're all Idiots too.) OR: this is where ya dumps the momentary brain-farts ... cleansing brain for sane-speak ... but just in Corporate-space.
Beep [R.I.P.] and you, often parlayed the slogan-vs-slogan non-debate into your shared Std. memes.. Why?--I ain't got no good theory. Yes, I resent the fucking-implications, especially as it is clear that [DC]
D.C. In music==Da Capo==^go back to the top^.
aka: Don't hide your fucking-light in a bushel-basket of premeditated *[Jump-Indirect-to-Self] bad coding. That's more than ... just sloth and fuck-I-don't-care-about-this issue, diversion. * yeah: IIRC-and-I-do, an actual assembly action on PDP-8. And, we see: elsewhere..
If IWE Isn't a refuge-FROM the intentional meaninglessness of Pol-speak everywhere: then w.t.f. good is IWE (either.)
Hey! I don't drop Sanskrit (..its sometimes beautifully-concise) words here, except rarely.. when one IS al-punte. We Can discipline-selves. Were you an Asshole, 'twouldn't be worth the effort, but I Knows ya gots a decent heart--so ya Can't fuckin-Fool Me. (Nor.. anyone else here, I Wot.)
Post #392,194
7/21/14 4:33:05 PM
you are overthinking it
When someone wants to use a fancy term to imply knowledge of Marxist theory to sound smart on the intarwebs they should know the theory well enough to use the proper terminology. Many if not most of us are part of the precariat now, and that isn’t accidental.But as pointed out by many people above this is a feature not a bug fromour “Betters” point of view. I was just addressing the problem with his statement after I put my "Marxist" hat on
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 59 years. meep
Post #392,197
7/21/14 4:34:38 PM
So you choose to be...
the other way, unless there is snark built in.
-- "No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible." --Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
Post #392,198
7/21/14 4:37:10 PM
Precisely! ... as you *were*, THERE.. as opposed to.. ... ... (yet more evasion?) {sigh}
Post #395,935
10/31/14 6:46:48 PM
Not at all new to me. WP def seems to leave out a vital piece, though.
I've heard a lot about this in the last year or three. The "precariat" you hear about here in the Nordic countries, though, is not just any chav who lives precariously on the edge of poverty. From the WP article: "...the opposite of 'the Technical Middle Class' in Great Britain in that instead of having money but no interests, people of the new Precariat Class have all sorts of potential activities they like to engage in but cannot do any of them because they have no money..."
i.e, these are people with interests, not just hobbies (like ordinary proles), or just burping their way from one beer coupon on the dole to the next from Social Services -- the concept has a definite whiff of "culture worker". Here in the Nordiques, this seems to be further associated with a) femaleness and b) the public sector, in that the typical member of the "precariat" here is a woman struggling to keep afloat from one short-term temp gig as a school teacher to the next -- the secure job of the school-marm of yore is nothing but a fading memory. Or, sometimes the very Social Services lady listening to the woes of the chav is one week's salary from starvation herself... and pay day at Social Services is two weeks off. I have one or two acquaintances (parents of classmates of my son, that kind of thing) who might qualify.
Yet another way these grand new times we live in now aren't really all that much better than the bad old days when we were kids.
-- Christian R. Conrad Same old username (as above), but now on, yeah, it redirects to the same old GMail... But just in case I ever want to change.)
Post #395,946
10/31/14 9:27:38 PM
Thanks.. illuminating.
Wondered about matters even in relatively-'progressive' Finland and environs. Repeatedly such tales underscore the (many) deficiencies in Econ (the whole humongous topic) as are usually compounded by less than ept Pols.
Whatever the -ism applied to Finance (and its oft scurvy acolytes in their Veyrons) the brokenness is clearly worldwide. And yet.. and yet, there seems no serious, (worldwide confab to a purpose!) of denoting the commonalities of Murican Vulture-ism and the Euro clones.
But it's killing not just the dis-USA, IMnsHO. Fix that soon or ... none of the other shit gets done. Anywhere.