Another stirring testimonial to those secret-lovers, ever behind the scenes
encouraging dissonance then bellicose wrangling.. Bankers. Attorneys. (who in their spare time shoot arrows--INTO ... Eros, Amor)
and towards any demi-god of quiet, thoughtful er, healing? s e p a r a t i o n 'twixt those irreconcilable-pairs.
Naturally too, our kultur rewards these Harbingers of Martial-meddling with riches, tons-of-Stuff
(and their earned-obloquy, (final disposition in the Marianas Trench-of-the-mind.)
ie Sorry about the just-paid-off/now-in-hock, bit of Cosmic twitting :-/
(Maybe the Cosmos gets so exasperated at the utter-failure of an experimental species that, they just wanna drown one) (or a few million.
Then they notice: Hey! these mofos don't even get our Best Messages; speak Louder next!
Just a w.a.g. I never get any texts-back to my queries. Kinda like any Corporation, it seems..