(but not the Luddite-saturated colors chosen by the Glass-eye.)
Doubtless there are some scienterrific studies.. as, re some marathon read/following a procrastination.
Worked for me, but haven't experimented lately--via Safari. Good reminder, this trip in the Tardis to yesteryear.

'Course too, the default teensy-font for THIS screed *cough* is a decided eye/brain-killer, necessitating [cmd +], dim-down and settle for bigger-but-uglier (unless I were to play in the Style-sheet sandbox--but that would be too logical. But now it's on the list.)
All I know fersure is, white bkg. in Real Books, is fine--but Illuminated.. it's rilly Sucky; then there're the places with sl.-darker-grey/over-grey, Ya only go there once--the highlight-all trick?== worse-yet.)

Grumble/grumble ... sloth kills.