thus seminal clue: to matters vital to comprehending the dysfunctionality of the banana republic here, in the dis-USA--since the cooption of that democracy fantasy, so long held-onto (..barely.)
This (Iceland's) now familiar surrender to Authority-excessiveness can be no mere coincidence, I aver: we have seen--just in last few days--examples of such in a Government Branch: so perfectly limning the mindset of these Icelandic (I say: forebears!) Their method has been: to reDefine familiar words like, A corporation is a Person; stare decisis is hogwash; Money is Speech ... concepts-all: as foreign to the intents of the Constitution as was the hasty-sElection of a mediocrity to Rule Us All, a mere 14 years ago.
Clearly this is a first-opening for the impeachment of the USSC-Five, on grounds of Subversion via a Foreign Power's influence: towards totalitarian aims.
Next.. we must assiduously examine the genealogical/DNA Roots of each of The Ignominious-Five, in great detail [The NSA will have all this in-stock, of course.]
IF.. subsequently we can then trace such influences to the aforementioned Suspects, we can commence the case preparation for Impeachment.
Winning that case may provide the US with that {slim}-Chance to take-back the citizens' Power to drastically alter the rules by which Corporations (via Power granted from Them)
have absconded, whereby fewer than one-hundred individuals control more of the National Wealth than HALF the 320M (or quite-more.. depending on your calculator.)
This process, though messy, (as are all Matters ever slathered in the pseudo-science of Law-cant) will be far less deadly than the current suppositions--of blood-letting becoming inevitable,
with all the inescapable side-effects of any triggered chaos, amidst solipsistic scaredy-cat tribes of homo-saps.
We Must begin searching for the synchronicity via which Five Members of one of the Three Branches of Government have so manifestly begun the complete disassembly of all the checks and balances, so brilliantly designed by our Then less-corrupt, more intelligent, much-Wiser (thus actually beneficent) Founders.
This (Iceland's) now familiar surrender to Authority-excessiveness can be no mere coincidence, I aver: we have seen--just in last few days--examples of such in a Government Branch: so perfectly limning the mindset of these Icelandic (I say: forebears!) Their method has been: to reDefine familiar words like, A corporation is a Person; stare decisis is hogwash; Money is Speech ... concepts-all: as foreign to the intents of the Constitution as was the hasty-sElection of a mediocrity to Rule Us All, a mere 14 years ago.
Clearly this is a first-opening for the impeachment of the USSC-Five, on grounds of Subversion via a Foreign Power's influence: towards totalitarian aims.
Next.. we must assiduously examine the genealogical/DNA Roots of each of The Ignominious-Five, in great detail [The NSA will have all this in-stock, of course.]
IF.. subsequently we can then trace such influences to the aforementioned Suspects, we can commence the case preparation for Impeachment.
Winning that case may provide the US with that {slim}-Chance to take-back the citizens' Power to drastically alter the rules by which Corporations (via Power granted from Them)
have absconded, whereby fewer than one-hundred individuals control more of the National Wealth than HALF the 320M (or quite-more.. depending on your calculator.)
This process, though messy, (as are all Matters ever slathered in the pseudo-science of Law-cant) will be far less deadly than the current suppositions--of blood-letting becoming inevitable,
with all the inescapable side-effects of any triggered chaos, amidst solipsistic scaredy-cat tribes of homo-saps.
We Must begin searching for the synchronicity via which Five Members of one of the Three Branches of Government have so manifestly begun the complete disassembly of all the checks and balances, so brilliantly designed by our Then less-corrupt, more intelligent, much-Wiser (thus actually beneficent) Founders.