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New I am reminded of a cartoon of two ants...
One is telling the other "We have been searching all the known pheromone trails for generations and found nothing! We are clearly alone."
We might just be missing the galactic obvious. Or maybe the ones that can talk over light years don't want to chat with juvenile brats on Facebook.
"Religion, n. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable."
New :-) Yup.
New This is my opinion as well.
I mean, if they are good enough to be able to detect us and to "look" and be able to hear our stuff...

No way would they be curious with our anatomy or our childish behavior.

IMO, if it we me and I saw the atrocities perpetrated by us in the last 3000 years... I'd just "move along nothing to see here" with my kids on vacation.
"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible." --Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
     Are we alone in the universe? - (lincoln) - (20)
         Several things have been pointed out. - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
             dang, I wanted to open up an intergalactic brothel. - (boxley)
             Excellent points. Thanks. -NT - (Another Scott)
         Perhaps the noisy ones end up dead. -NT - (malraux)
         Yup, thirteen Billion Years+ of inter-galactic crap-shoots and - (Ashton)
         It's easy to forget how huge the Universe is... - (Another Scott)
         Some assumptions lurking in that. - (static)
         I am reminded of a cartoon of two ants... - (hnick) - (2)
             :-) Yup. -NT - (Another Scott)
             This is my opinion as well. - (folkert)
         The Drake Equation - (gcareaga) - (9)
             Heard Carl Sagan explain it on stage in LA back in 1974. - (a6l6e6x) - (6)
                 From the source - (gcareaga) - (5)
                     Indeed the source! -NT - (a6l6e6x) - (4)
                         Missed opportunity - (gcareaga) - (3)
                             Re: advanced civilizations would be immortal - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                                 Re: advanced civilizations would be immortal - (gcareaga)
                             Thanks for reminder 'extinction rate', also that bias. - (Ashton)
             Apparently Fermi had a version, too. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                 Great material for honing the fringe of what-ifs? of more practical aims, maybe. - (Ashton)

I may have trouble bruising, but the above mentioned injuries left red areas.
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