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New Wish I had a $100K to start with... at the
wash out.
"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible." --Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
New Meh.
Gold is too subject to things that can't be predicted and it's likely to get more volatile. E.g. I think much of the demand now is in China and India. That's great as long as their economies are growing; not so much if/when they suddenly stop. What if the NY Fed decides to sell its 6700 tons in gold holdings quickly?

Real estate in Detroit probably has a better trajectory in 10 years than gold. ;-)

If I had $100k that I had to invest in gold, I'd probably try to find some rare gold coins I liked. Not bullion; not double-eagles or whatever. Something that had a story behind it, something that is old and will get rarer over time. Of course, there's the risk of bubbles in the collectors markets, and dealer commissions can be huge. But it would be something more than just a lump of something with atomic number 79.

Even then, I'd figure I would have to hold on to them for 10 years or more to break even.

Just my $0.02. :-)

New Correctamente--unless things have changed suddenly, in numismatics.
It's the sort of advice savvy ones (expect to be ignored, largely..) no matter how sanely based on stats--as you say, over a lengthy period.
Sadly IMjO--jaundiced: Unprecedented times confound such previous-wisdom (also too.)

Those who bet on the Four (or maybe Eight by now?) Horsemen scenario--are already stocking up on the essential 'things':
those which we jaded masses Will steal-from-food-shekels, to obtain ("Comfort non-food"?)

What a System, eh? the Anti-"system" System whose base-Rule (in both senses) remains: I've Got Mine: via Gaming-the-System better than Joe Blow.
Maybe someone in 30s? with an adult sense of delayed-gratification could justify the rarer-coin game (but not so-rare as to be ludicrously priced already.)

But I'd bet it's still true that rare-Silver would have a wider interested market, at sell-date; quite fewer Collectors of gold coins, extant.
And here again, the Ag-quantity thus weight is hardly an issue."Compact hedge."
This stuff would be lots easier, were there much (any?) confidence that the nest 100 years will be anything like the last.

Me punts.
New The disaster-preppers confuse me.
What's going on in their heads?

There's always someone bigger and stronger out there. There's always someone craftier and stealthier out there. There's always someone more willing to be bribed or swayed with a sexual or chemical favor. There's always someone with more guns, grenades, and jails.

Gold is only useful as a personal hedge in the event of societal collapse if it helps you get somewhere that has a functioning society - or perhaps as a temporary store of value while society is rebuilt. When (essentially) everyone is desperate looking for food and water, shiny baubles aren't going to mean anything. Guns and gas and muscle are.

So, the idea that a pile of gold is going to save one when the economy collapses seems silly to me.

The idea that gold is a protection against hyperinflation is only marginally less sensible, it seems to me.

The Zimbabwe Dollar spiked at 65.8B ZWD to $1 in 2008. Gold's price in $US fell in 2008 If one were in Zimbabwe in 2008, the thing to have held was $US, not gold.

If not gold, what? Canned food? That eventually rots. Fallout shelters? There are costs of upkeep and maintenance, and when the 8 Horsemen come they're going to find you eventually. If they don't come, you will run out of supplies eventually (unless you're vastly wealthy you can't accumulate enough useful supplies). So, you just put them off a little.

Doesn't it make more sense for a person or family to try to plan for a reasonably likely future for the next 20-40 years (a little inflation, a little unemployment, a little technological change, a little climate change) and not assume that one particular outcome is likely? What will you do if you're wrong after having spent all of your savings on a lump of gold?

If the US economy goes down the toilet in a huge way, gold isn't going to be a protection from financial losses and chaos. Where would gold let you go? If one feels one has to invest in commodities or rare items because of fear of inflation or devaluation, one might as well put only a fraction of the money in "investing" in something that has more than monetary value (art, coins, stamps, cars, wine, etc.). It's still sorta silly (they don't pay interest, the resale market is small, there's risk of loss in fire and theft, risk that the items are not authentic, etc.) but there are ways of getting satisfaction from them other than watching the spot price (with luck) move up over time.

Gold buggery and disaster prepping just seems like another scam to scare people into giving up their money to someone who preys on ginned-up fears.

(Who wonders if someone is selling Anti-FEMA Camp Copper Bracelets or Magnets yet...)
New Thanks! sanest overview seen in years..
(Jung would love the Scale! of today's Universal Weltschmerz, no?)

Yep, everything you said is non-speculative truthiness, IME.
In the '80s madness I traded Maple Leafs (we were boycotting Kruggerands for all obv. reasons.)
(Actually made a couple bucks.) But it was no more a sure-thing than any other horse-race.
But that was a relatively easy mob-action to stay a bit ahead-of.

As to gold + Art: in hindsight I should have held onto the the splendid Vacheron & C longer; my rationale was, that if I didn't spend the $$
for its periodic disassembly/replacement of oxidized fine-oil, it would deteriorate.
I also expected that pocket watches would be fancied by a diminishing lot.. Now.. they're Baaack! amidst the digital-$$aires and others with too-much money and no Cuth.
Not entirely-stupid, but a Bad-call, as in, Oh Well.. (didn't work to keep me humble, though :-/

Concur that, even at the worst of today's La La La whistling past that yawning cemetery--still far enough away to be wished away, "when the balloon goes up"
(Colin Fletcher's fav euphemism for Mad Max scenario) it is self-evident that shiny baubles will be useless--then all the troglodytes will be living-off their spoils from
those of us who always did Despise Guns and all the small-penised-ones who crave them unto psychopathy..

(Am pleased to number you among the short-list of level-headed folk I need not "worry about", as the (other) balloon fills with bloviation-gas/to mix metaphors again.)
By the time (not inexorable.. but likely) that we hit DefCon 5, I expect to be rather incapable of commandeering a suitably equipped dune-buggy
..and taking out marlowe clones ..with short-bursts.

(Doncha just Love It that: after all those $Ts for nukes, F22-->50? flying Terminators and the NSA?
(and their yottabytes of dirt-on-everyone,) über Alles in die Welt: NOBODY feels "secure"!!

While I like Tom Lehrer's scenario: all that Company! maybe on a February 29th? I'll settle for Manfred, and the descent into the Nether-world
to rescue the ƒaire Astarte: to bring her whence? and Defy-those-Demons! (the imaginary creations of Corporate-religio-fantasy anyway.)
It beats getting all lugubrious over a perfectly Natural phenom, eh? Sans Death, Life would have no meaning, beyond (endless/boring reincarnation?)
(I do not envy the 3' tall, opposed-thumb sentient felines though.. should One discover! Me-Me-Me? well ... ... another Game/Set/Match.)
     Prank, or hot new startup? - (rcareaga) - (8)
         I could probably... - (folkert) - (7)
             Had you merely converted that-all into Gold, at its scaredy-cat Peak? - (Ashton) - (6)
                 Oh, but your chart is old . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (5)
                     Wish I had a $100K to start with... at the - (folkert) - (4)
                         Meh. - (Another Scott) - (3)
                             Correctamente--unless things have changed suddenly, in numismatics. - (Ashton) - (2)
                                 The disaster-preppers confuse me. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                     Thanks! sanest overview seen in years.. - (Ashton)

We are antisocial. We like things on our own terms. We break stuff for fun. We're judgey.
37 ms