our species remains Undecided.. as to whether? or not? it could dispense with a few trillion toys, sorta
(at very least: replacing most-All of these with something/something using μWatt-hours.. for a start.)
Keep adding more stuff exponentially, get roasted and die along with most mammals (and an unknowable roster of others.)

Tough Choices! there: anyone wonder which branch we'll go with? I mean.. {sniff} -- just ONE Veyron in a museum and no more vacation-plane-filled skies?

(Me? I'm hoarding Jack Armstrong Tru-flite™ model (paper) airplanes (© 1944) to be cut-out in caves, via fire-fly light.)
Bet I can trade one for a whole flagon of warm Merlot.. or some finely marinated insect-stew.

er, Carrion