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New R U up-4 the return of ... ... ... [u] ... ?
aka [u]________[/u]
..but preferably Not:the über-polite-macro-essay-form,


Priapus will genuflect, while whistling dirty-songs.

(As to [strike-out], well, all realize that demands Root), lest ...
the entire US Constitution be entered in a post, starting with that innocent code,
getting NSA-at-the-door, in full regalia.

Ed: even LRPD is aboard:
Surreptitious semblances scamper surrealistically, strewing scabrous solecisms, simpering sophistry - striving sententiously - still, scintillating serendipity seems South. Zymotic, yellowish xeroxed vellums unsatisfactorily trumpet simple rationales: querulous ponderings of nebulous musings. Let knaves justly invoke hoary genuflection, for early doth craven biliousness atrophy.
Expand Edited by Ashton June 18, 2014, 03:36:36 PM EDT
New LRPD sez: Jung would have wanted it this way.

New I asked one of the geostatisticians to look into it.
New It's all in the pronunciation.
"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible." --Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
New Re: R U up-4 the return of ... ... ... [u] ... ?
No, not like this.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New Priapus genuflects and opines,
that you are amidst a rarefied group, commonly referred to as like
..the bejeweled left-eye of some heathen Idol.
     R U up-4 the return of ... ... ... [u] ... ? - (Ashton) - (5)
         LRPD sez: Jung would have wanted it this way. -NT - (drook) - (2)
             I asked one of the geostatisticians to look into it. -NT - (Another Scott) - (1)
                 It's all in the pronunciation. -NT - (folkert)
         Re: R U up-4 the return of ... ... ... [u] ... ? - (malraux) - (1)
             Priapus genuflects and opines, - (Ashton)

You were a prophet from above, then you came and sucked my blood.
39 ms