Thanks - great site, brings back the joy of having at least one place in the newsfotainment (briefly anyway) -- for Breatheds of Fresh Air!

The comics have always been our last bastion of anything vaguely resembling a free-ish press in Murica.. though the half-life of anything as outrageous as Berk, in the somnolent homogenized '00s is measured by the monopolization of all those small papers into Corp Syndicates. Natch.

Still and all -- the Pen IS &^$#$-well Mightier than the Sword-brain, especially in livid color..

Pity we can't get Berk back into harness - now when we *Need Opus* and especially, Bill the Cat VS Disneyland Murica and... {ugh} Garfield.

Also and alas - Calvin & Hobbes :(
