A) Lucas ain't his alleged mentor - Joseph Campbell (who didn't live to see the release of the first of the SW stuff IIRC). It certainly shows that George never came *near* to grokking to fullness, what it was that Campbell was 'about'. But, George had $ and could dumb Anything down enough to "work with it". Settle for 'titillate' - much EZier. (Make some cute Elves, say. Give them Big soulful eyes' like on them classy velvet paintings by Kean)

B) In a culture which has left no Useful myths, only tattered remnants of ones from even more bestial [?arguable, that] and savage times - the Hollywood CB DeMilles du jour can always manage to create shallowness, unthought-out inconsistent veneers over the same-old sameold Shoot 'Em Up oaters. Add new digital technology, stir, advertise; sell overpriced tickets to legions of compulsive talkers who think they're at home in front of the 800" Tee Vee, drinkin Bud Light. (Umm make the Big bucks from the DVDs natch)

C) Anything 'new' in sight? Don't see anything.
