This site bills itself as "Pro-White, Pro-South, Pro-Independence." I link to the particular discussion because several of the comments are fascinating. When one sympathetic dissenter objects, "all very well and good, but what're we gonna do with all the blacks?" the proprietor says that once the reimposition of Jim Crow, which he asserts with approval is already underway, is put firmly in place post-independence, the nigras will head north of their own accord. I must say that there is something almost refreshing when our southern brethren leave off with the winks and nudges and let their freak flags (Confederate battle flag, natch) fly.
Kidding aside, I should clarify here that I don't actually imagine that mmoffitt, notwithstanding his avowed dissatisfaction with the outcome of the War of Northern Aggression, may be justly classed with these loons. But you know, there does appear to be a growing collection of constituencies who, having little else in common (Ecotopia and New Dixie, to name just two), believe for various reasons in national devolution. Friend mmoffitt inclines to think that this could be a good development, and I am disposed to believe that things could go pear-shaped pretty quickly. The breakup of the USSR, however traumatic the first decade may have been, was really a pretty soft landing, almost astonishingly so. Here, I think, Yugoslavia would be the likelier model. For my part I very much prefer the lumbering, vast, unwieldy devil I know to the score of nimbler, crueler imps I see bursting forth from that devil's corpse.
Kidding aside, I should clarify here that I don't actually imagine that mmoffitt, notwithstanding his avowed dissatisfaction with the outcome of the War of Northern Aggression, may be justly classed with these loons. But you know, there does appear to be a growing collection of constituencies who, having little else in common (Ecotopia and New Dixie, to name just two), believe for various reasons in national devolution. Friend mmoffitt inclines to think that this could be a good development, and I am disposed to believe that things could go pear-shaped pretty quickly. The breakup of the USSR, however traumatic the first decade may have been, was really a pretty soft landing, almost astonishingly so. Here, I think, Yugoslavia would be the likelier model. For my part I very much prefer the lumbering, vast, unwieldy devil I know to the score of nimbler, crueler imps I see bursting forth from that devil's corpse.