Thanks! Such a treat, kinda like finding, utterly incomprehensibly, a Da Vinci sketch on the back of an old Coke tintype sign.
If That (both?) be not illustrative of {Illustration + Just a few words} trumping all but the pithiest of the Just a few words Maestros?
Then I never read nor no man ever writ.
The associative-matrix within this jelloware sees onion-layers within Klein-bottles; why.. such a One might contrive a single Poster which,
..not unlike The Lethal Joke? crafted by our #1 UK wags in those halcyon days?
might render say, the entire Teapartymadness into its component slime-parts.
Particularly loved the umm mechanical-network, here sporting light-emitting-type appurtenances, while the Cameras.. go without saying/or drawing.
Guess my loss, not having reliably attended to this saga; seems a bit late to try to recap that which you stalwarts have already osmosed.
Guess too: employing just these two examples of lab-grade crystalline-litmus, any shrink worth his $$/minute could divine shorty
... SO, bunky: just what's buggin ya Today?--the clock is running.
Query though, re '11-11-02'--a full 14 months after the Great Dismantling of Civil Liberties as the Shogunate bought all the shredders in-stock:
What with candles for car-lights, etc. what did You see? {It's All in our minds!]
(Promise not to tell your shrink, or Cthulhu either.)
If That (both?) be not illustrative of {Illustration + Just a few words} trumping all but the pithiest of the Just a few words Maestros?
Then I never read nor no man ever writ.
The associative-matrix within this jelloware sees onion-layers within Klein-bottles; why.. such a One might contrive a single Poster which,
..not unlike The Lethal Joke? crafted by our #1 UK wags in those halcyon days?
might render say, the entire Teapartymadness into its component slime-parts.
Particularly loved the umm mechanical-network, here sporting light-emitting-type appurtenances, while the Cameras.. go without saying/or drawing.
Guess my loss, not having reliably attended to this saga; seems a bit late to try to recap that which you stalwarts have already osmosed.
Guess too: employing just these two examples of lab-grade crystalline-litmus, any shrink worth his $$/minute could divine shorty
... SO, bunky: just what's buggin ya Today?--the clock is running.
Query though, re '11-11-02'--a full 14 months after the Great Dismantling of Civil Liberties as the Shogunate bought all the shredders in-stock:
What with candles for car-lights, etc. what did You see? {It's All in our minds!]
(Promise not to tell your shrink, or Cthulhu either.)