Thanks, Peter--illuminating.
Have scanned both and see they are worth perusing until some grokking gels. Yes, I see that my 'fix' as does seem ~often to STOP the leaking stenographic-pool(?!)
is not even a tame wild-goose chase.
See that NSDictionary is a cascading class of (apparently multiply-useable?) procedures by a plethora of possible clients, nor Could one 'sleuth' from
the stark form of any failure whose error-message involves 'leaking pools' (as can be only 'memory' disappearing--which Shouldn't be.)
(I have blind-hopes that something~like 'about:config' shall inhabit the new-New Mavericks/Safari gussying-up..)
Ex: When I command 'reopen last-session windows' I want it to load Only minimal stubs/or just links; NOT steal all that memory.
I'd also like granularity re that reload command: like several categories maybe by date or name. (Hah..)
I 'read' the log files periodically or natch, when there Is a glitch or seeming-one. I have taken your (and others') advice not-to imagine they are revealing [er, RAW] of much that a non-coder can use
(this century anyway.. there was a time.. assembler.. CDC-6600.)
As to letting ANYBODY (on a cold-call Fershure) into the Family Jewels, I judge that such folk must be those still stuck in, ..where's the 'any' key I'm supposed to strike?
ie Before I'd allow remotes of any ilk deliberate access, I'd have to Know Them, their daughters ages' and hobbies and arrest records.
If you're not paranoid, you'll be pwned in a trice, I comprehend.
At least, though--one Can deduce via real English a few things by comparing 'normal' messages with Weird new ones--at times; at the least: OS X fixing-self? or blaming Safari specifically.
This makes OS X a marvel of clarity compared with know.
Thanks again for another useful clarification.