I was discussing this with a friend who went to see the movie with me.

Given that the audience needs some context to relate to the movie.....

The two new movies have had the Trade Federation (or whatever) attempting to use armies (droids) to extend their control.

The problem with that is that it doesn't have an analog in the real world. The WTO doesn't maintain a standing army. Pepsico has no onsite munitions stockpile.

The first three movies (produced) were better in that the rebels were fighting against "The Empire" which had enough visual simularity with other "Empires" (Storm Troopers, battle fleets, a clearly defined leader with ranking subordinates) to allow the audience to relate their world view to the movie.

The cross over from a nation using restraint of trade to achieve political aims
A trade federation using military force to achieve marketing aims
-just doesn't work in those movies.

Particularly when the trade federation is only a tool used by another to achieve different aims.