Post #389,439
5/14/14 9:35:42 AM

So did you get lucky, Greg?
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. Officials say a computer glitch is responsible for 73 Grand Rapids residents getting two income tax refund checks from the city instead of one. Link:
But, to begin with, city income taxes suck!
ÂThere is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.Â
-- Isaac Asimov
Post #389,445
5/14/14 12:11:00 PM

Commuter tax
I used to live in Ann Arbor and work in that festering shit hole called Detroit. I had to pay city income tax there even though I lived 43 miles away.
I never saw evidence that a single cent of my municipal taxes went toward maintaining infrastructure.
Post #389,449
5/14/14 1:36:04 PM

It did ... a single cent
Post #389,450
5/14/14 1:53:38 PM

That was g's penny? I thought that was total from all.
Post #389,458
5/14/14 5:34:18 PM

Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #389,459
5/14/14 6:34:21 PM

Jackpot: the very Poster Child for crumbling infrastructure!
Post #389,654
5/20/14 4:25:41 PM

And this happened sometime during the past week or so
Post #389,463
5/14/14 11:17:28 PM

Look upon my works ye mighty, and depair!
I turned down a job there recently, wonder why.
Nothing beside remains....
Post #389,466
5/14/14 11:57:36 PM

Mind boggling
Post #389,468
5/15/14 2:03:39 AM

I see there's a Barry St.
and that it would likely take the entire funds of a medium-size normal town, just to raze and haul away
[to Where?] all that debris.
Eeerie the slide-show: premonitions of the dis-USA, should even one more Repo take both Houses and/or The Prez.
Probably too, that tragedy would kill lots of things worldwide (not just our bombs..) in that the oil would flow copiously, further enriching the 0.001%
(only a few of those shot/maimed/pied? as the others furnish their island estates, evacuate, gloat and golf.
Is inculcated-intransigence incurable? (as with 8 Years of the Shogunate.) How do we 'imagine' some poor working-sod in a fly-over State another Repo?
Surely this is a dream all shall awake-from. Tomorrow?
Post #389,476
5/15/14 10:14:11 AM

It's not just the Repos.
It's the multi-nationals. The Repos are just their tools.
Post #389,477
5/15/14 10:17:33 AM

I work downtown. Downtown and midtown, other than the occasional absentee landlord, are fine.
Detroit's boundaries are just too big for its tax base right now. The town center is doing much better than one might think.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #389,498
5/15/14 6:40:54 PM

Back in the 90s
WSU and environs were a shit hole in the mid 90s. I haven't been back since. Glad things are getting better.
Post #389,499
5/15/14 6:42:26 PM

Midtown is doing quite well.
Several people I work with live in Midtown and love it.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #389,465
5/14/14 11:50:41 PM

Don't live or work in the city of GRR...
Oh well... perhaps I'll be winning the Power Ball tonight.
"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible." --Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
Post #389,473
5/15/14 6:33:20 AM

You too? ;-)
Post #389,488
5/15/14 4:18:10 PM

Think the Cosmos should make me a winner..
Good Test: see if I put money-where-mouth-is. Eh? Are ya Listenin, Cthulhu??
Post #389,492
5/15/14 4:40:37 PM

Post #389,511
5/15/14 10:56:05 PM

Are ya Listenin, Cthulhu??
Post #389,547
5/17/14 5:29:56 AM

Ah yess.. Raquel Welch as Lust.. Love Bedazzled!
But when yer dealin with creepy guys (whose fun is: opening new LPs/scratching same and resealing..)
Ya gots to get yer syntax just Right or you end up like Stanley.
I think I prefer Manfred, seeking the divine Astarte in the Underworld.
Lord Byron for words; Robert Schumann for music and oldest plot in the world. Perfect.