ie. Academia reigns supreme (excluding the insane illogic of politics in the disUSA--of course, where clarity is not even an aim) in possessing the largest vocabulary,
employed assiduously to 'Its' own aims, POV re any reformation? 'improvements in methods', Cost cutting sans Quality-cutting etc.

Being thus ~unassailable (amongst those who possess at least, a recognition-vocabulary to comprehend--if not a speaking- one), methinks that complicates most rational discussions
re Their part in the scarcity of decent education--a barrier to most cost-cuttiong schemes.
But at least an honorable one..

Quintiles is a decent parse, (but is this not a Mare's Nest to er, disambiguate?)
Lastly, as rational-debate becomes rare in this kultur.. well, you know..

Mayhap we need a PIQ-Test, a prerequisite for any candidate for >Political Office< to Register -??- if we can find some Fairwitness-grade group to administer same. Ummm, never mind,