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New Is this the spot for my Constitutional Convention screed?
If not (quite.. yet) er, Never mind. Most people wouldn't, we see. (I expect we're all waiting for people to start disrobing at Bus Stops.. or something.)

All those (important) Details are the very-means via which EVERY Corporation (!=a person): perpetually Games the sub-system (here) as, overall: The System.
We're spinning wheels (within-wheels(within-wheels.))) in all these 'Be Patient' discussions.
Aren't we?

The only "Hope" I can see is, what appears to be a growing consensus that, the Plutocrats >HAVE< Gotcha-exceptions to All the Rules we attribute to that ancient-Constitution-'thing'.
And if that is So? [Perception is All] then, One cannot escape the forced-conclusion: (least-BLOODY)

A Constitutional Convention, whose delegates are elected by Mondo-supervised processes in which every Voter has Just-One vote for his/her Candidate to that Convention. A real Plebiscite!
It may do its work via many Amendements.. or more radically [the very ROOT of 'radical'].
Unprecedented as this is, it is on the same SCALE as: the Existential Problems we are NOT-dealing with/as cannot even BE 'dealt-with' ... at this rate, over a Century? (Buried under the Next ones.)

(Of course, that brave stab doesn't guarantee that enough people can?/shall? embrace the Reformation; our record is Clear on our obtuseness: Civil War 1 still inflames multitudes.)
But at very least, it will be Honest to say, 'We' Tried.

More creeping gradualism in an era when new Problems arise exponentially--is, what's the word?
'DOOM' isn't even hyperbole.
We are "there.. there.. now.."-ing our bloviating-Selves, unto-soporific-Death, ImsHO; I am unanimous in that 'ROOT solution'.
It seems the only direction as might ever confront today's awful-Fact of mass corruption, provably-rife.

'Minority-view'? Surely.. but IS it Growing?? Because: any of the conventional Rx's involving any action whatsoever--promise bloody/endless/eventual demagogue-directed chaos.
And doubtless--given the nano-speed of Int'l Banking-overlords über Alles?--just another 'DOOM'-variant.

The Earth orbiting the Sun was also a minority-opinion, one lethal if expressed around any Robed-one.
'We' (!) have forced an Extreme next-future by our pewling complaisance, decade after decade; our habit of highlighting the corruptions all about--via satire,
as pseudo- 'relief?'/but little Action-against. ie No Work, just giggles.

Hey! ... the other night I 'Rescued' a turtle; sublime. How many Muricans have 'rescued' Anything, in say, the last year? Mainly seen: the aged-poor doing that; nobody else can spare the Time?

Today, they're looking for Cervantes' body, under a church floor--via metal? detectors. Seemed appropriate, as we all tilt at windmills--'vicariously' is the core of a liff!
If we can't manage to do anything, at very least, I Demand: that the Ostrich replace the Eagle as National Bird.

On the Barricades: at least you can expect that the woman next to you might have read It Can't Happen Here in the original-English,
noticed the truthiness and Knows what she's Fighting for Against
--without a Google-map.

New Sure, let's see it. :-)
But are you sure you want to go down that route? Given the way people like the Paulites have found ways to twist the rules and increase their power far in excess of their actual numbers?

A constitutional convention sounds great in the abstract, in some ways, but too many people have hidden agendas and can develop ways to twist the clear meaning of words to get what they want. Look at the 2nd Amendment. Look at the 1st Amendment, even. :-/

The Constitutional Convention that gave us that marvelous document had secret deliberations and votes - http://en.wikipedia....on_(United_States) That wouldn't go over too well these days with too many people.

You know some people would be pushing for "Christian Nation" and "no anchor babies" and "every sperm is sacred" and "stand your ground" and "corporations are people" and similar nonsense. There would be pressure to "compromise" on such things.

By all means, let's try to change things for the better. But let's not forget that demographic change among the voters is likely necessary for substantial progress to be made. http://www.motherjon...end-be-pretty-old (Here's hoping that we new oldsters don't end up repeating the mistakes of our predecessors.)

My $0.02.

New 'When the Gen Xers pass 50, they're going to start attending
megachurches too."

(Sure glad that 'projection' Is debatable; the speed-of-Aha!s, catalyzed by usual mob homogenization ... can be supersonic.)
So for that disaster to occur, the Plutocrats would have to successfully emasculate all e- means of communication (and soon.)

But that's just grasping for straws.. were I correct on this point: it means that Adulthood would have to become common, yes.
BUT ALSO: in-time for arresting the next-Quarter mindsets of all the corporate hierarchies and their Representatives across politics, from local to --> the [Private} Prez lottery.
The planet is clearly un'interested' in suspending thermodynamics laws, while its most destructive species attempts to grow-itself-up. [via Darwin OR Gaea models.]
(And until a majority of perps Can discern BS from truthiness, are able to debate via Reasoning: then all those robot-lobbyists are bound to prevail over all those unorganized robotic ciphers.)

IF a plebiscite fails (or proves impossible even to create) and it takes >5? 15? 25? years to accomplish sane Reform (with or without plebiscite)
THEN that's GAME OVER, barring the miraculous (and what kinda God/spirit-of n-Dimensions would waste one of those on demonstrably unTeachables?)

Meanwhile.. foreseeing bizness-as-usual, I shall hew towards the proper mien of a savvy Replicant, whose allotted-ticks are preprogrammed in DNA-ROM.
(And the Creating-corporation can't reset the timer; one of us just squished-in the face of its its CIEIO. Oh. Well.)

It will not be a pretty Sight, the decimation.. Centization?? ... as countless mammals overheat, under-eat and make fertilizer for the new greenery. That which could make way
for another try at opposed-thumb sentience, (working an environment already denuded of readily available high-grade ores, minerals, so much Else already destroyed.) Now mere entropy-fodder.

Earth Abides demonstrates a response to a demi-version of one sort of 'disappearance of most homo-saps', but its cause was a McGuffin.
Bring on the New novellas! as Rome burns again. Who Knew?! as we pored over exciting dystopian operettas, that--we were cramming for an incipient Final exam!


Old man ... it's not so hard ... t o ... d i e.
--Lord Byron; Manfred, to a pesky priest.
Expand Edited by Ashton April 30, 2014, 08:53:18 PM EDT
New We can see the trends, but nobody knows the future.
Things can change very quickly when the right people are in office. Don't give up the fight.

     A net neutrality screed.. - (Ashton) - (43)
         Meh. Wheeler's counterpoint. - (Another Scott) - (8)
             Thanks; reasonable/al punte.. {sigh} ... relief-grade. - (Ashton)
             Comcast and "commercially unreasonable" - (scoenye) - (6)
                 Devil's in the details. - (Another Scott) - (5)
                     I do realize they got their legs cut out from under them - (scoenye)
                     Is this the spot for my Constitutional Convention screed? - (Ashton) - (3)
                         Sure, let's see it. :-) - (Another Scott) - (2)
                             'When the Gen Xers pass 50, they're going to start attending - (Ashton) - (1)
                                 We can see the trends, but nobody knows the future. - (Another Scott)
         Obama's video today... - (Another Scott) - (24)
             since voice is switching to voip vs copper - (boxley) - (22)
                 RareSanity has the answer. - (Another Scott) - (21)
                     if google pays to have peered servers inside the isp datacenter - (boxley) - (18)
                         Maybe because it's not the same? - (Another Scott) - (17)
                             so the post office should deliver amazon products free to the end users? - (boxley) - (16)
                                 Eh? - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                     didn't mean you, meant the justice department back in the day -NT - (boxley)
                                 Re: that content from Comcast be segregated into a different business entity than the ISP. - (mmoffitt) - (13)
                                     cable rides the same packets as the intarweb - (boxley) - (12)
                                         Hmmmm. - (mmoffitt) - (11)
                                             It might vary with the cable company. - (Another Scott)
                                             if I and the wife were not sports junkies I would cut the cable - (boxley) - (1)
                                                 Understood. - (mmoffitt)
                                             You must not have Comcast then - (scoenye) - (3)
                                                 I do at the other shop. - (boxley) - (1)
                                                     Ah, that racket - (scoenye)
                                                 MediaCom always line item broadband for us. - (mmoffitt)
                                             "Digital Is Better". - (static) - (3)
                                                 Sometimes? - (drook) - (2)
                                                     I meant more broadly. - (static) - (1)
                                                         Except in cases like mine. Where it means fewer channels. ;0) -NT - (mmoffitt)
                     While BHO's brief clip makes him a current White-hat.. - (Ashton) - (1)
                         Agree. See, Scott, I can give the Devil his due. - (mmoffitt)
             Bring on the clowns! - (pwhysall)
         Interesting view from a non-techie - (drook) - (8)
             how about con ed refusing to deliver your maytag for free? - (boxley) - (7)
                 False equivalency. -NT - (malraux) - (6)
                     make it a GE appliance then they sell electricity but not to you -NT - (boxley) - (5)
                         Umm ... that's what he said -NT - (drook) - (4)
                             netscape is a purchase that wants free delivery -NT - (boxley) - (3)
                                 Er... - (malraux) - (2)
                                     sort of, what regulation will end up doing - (boxley) - (1)
                                         Compare us to the rest of the developed world ... we're already *at* the bottom -NT - (drook)

Everyone said the hamster catapult wasn't appropriate for the science fair, but no one could stop watching.
196 ms