When we first went into business together, I suggested forming 3 corporations. One that would be essentially his, one essentially mine, both according to the type of work done by each and one "parent" that had shares in both companies. I thought that would provide each of us with "a way out" if it ever became necessary to part ways, and would logically divide proceeds/debts. That idea was shot down by both our CPA and my partner.

To be fair, my partner has generated more revenue than I have overall. He was working for himself first and when I joined him, I didn't have much client base. So, the first 6 months he made quite a bit more than me. But starting in that 6th month (2 years ago) and continuing to today, I have consistently made more than he - and this YTD I've made 18K more, almost completely nullifying my shortfall in start-up. I've never failed to cover my paycheck and expenses, though, which is something he's failed to do for the past 6 months.

We do not have a formal buy/sell which is idiotic and probably will lead to problems. Today was a good day, but tomorrow may not be.

As far as "seeing things from his perspective" I've tried. I think the chief difference between us is that he sees debt as "something to be managed" and I see debt as "something bad that needs eliminated as soon as possible."

Thank you all for your input.