[First, OT] Some recent fodder on that old bugaboo, about which we civilly-agreed to disagree: Cell-fones (for just one EMI example) and looong-term discernible(?) Effects:
(Haven't vetted this screed for n second-opinions, yet.)
On THIS topic:
Appreciating (as I do) your apparent knack for sanely distilling these various Ooops-grade Gotchas, as they occur:
My 'comprehension' of this one can only be shallow, as the code deals with instantaneous hand-shakes which Need to be machine-language coded for that speed (I presume)
--and doubtless truth-tables were Supposed-to cover All eventualities at-all possible. Ever.
And here: they didn't.
But from snippets everywhere, what I naturally wonder is: for those of you who've been immersed, in a variety of gigs, with many bizness-levels of IT competence,
from ugly --> Clever Lads:
Is the whole worldwide IT infrastructure actually riddled with comparable-scale oversights? (???)
(ie Many such: merely not-yet Noticed (also Reported.) I mean: is everyone just crossing-fingers daily?)
Thus, are we ripe--when full-cyberwarfare Does Happen: for something like full-Chaos, ensuing within hours or a few days after ... the first massive International root-kits are lobbed?
Maybe it's too early to make such a guesstimate? But it sure looks scary to us neophytes at the peripheries. Instant-blackout could do.. [Nobody could possibly predict-What, with any credibility.]
(Even I could list 100 crucial/Critical matters rendered inoperable. Deaths would ensue. 'Hardened'/Military agencies would be in unprecedented Control. Cats/Dogs! would be harmed.)
Just askin.. we're all becoming inured to regularly-impending Apocalypse, anyway; Right?