One of my late father's closest friends was for years a closeted gay man (it wouldn't do in the 1960's and 1970's to "come out" when you were a high school teacher - even in Southern California). He did come out finally, leaving his wife and dying of AIDS a handful of years later. Then in the late 1970's I was arrested for failing to appear for a traffic citation. I was 18 then and taken to LA County Jail. I was terrified and called my then best friend, a bisexual man living with his ex-homosexual lover in Hollywood. He bailed me out and I spent the night at his and his ex's apartment. They had friends (all gay, not that it matters) over and they all tried to cheer me up. Later we went out to a bar (yes, one of those bars). I never felt uncomfortable in such situations. Nor have I ever felt uncomfortable in the presence of non-hetero folks since. I do remember feeling odd about not being hit on (as someone here said) at the bar we went to that night and my gay friends all laughed and said, "You can smell the straight on you." I've heard that, too, from current lesbian friends. I'm not sure if that's a complement, but I've heard it several times from several different people so maybe it's true.
With one exception (and it was a business oriented problem, nothing at all to do with lifestyle), all of my personal interactions with gay people have been pleasant experiences. I do not feel hatred toward homosexual people. If I have a bias against them, I'm completely unaware of it and cannot imagine from whence this bias came.