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New I'll have to go with mmoffit on this one
I just... didn't think it was funny anyway.

Yes it was. Thhbbbppt.
I can't be a Democrat because I like to spend the money I make.
I can't be a Republican because I like to spend the money I make on drugs and whores.
New nope borderline yawn:)
     Catholic Church comes out w/new low fat wafer. - (mmoffitt) - (14)
         Ha, ha... Would be funny (ever so slightly), *if*... - (CRConrad) - (12)
             Oh for goodness sake - (drewk) - (5)
                 So, did I misunderstand how jokes are supposed to work...? - (CRConrad) - (4)
                     Since we're disecting the frog to see how it works ... - (drewk) - (3)
                         Sorry, but no, that ain't it. - (CRConrad) - (2)
                             I'll have to go with mmoffit on this one - (drewk) - (1)
                                 nope borderline yawn:) -NT - (boxley)
             Confession. - (mmoffitt) - (2)
                 That'll be two 'Our Father's and six 'Hail Mary's. HAND! -NT - (CRConrad)
                 New twist for y'all. - (static)
             All I can say is... - (pwhysall) - (2)
                 GGGGUUUUURRRRRRROOOOOAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!! -NT - (boxley)
                 oh dear...someone is roll-ing in the grave. -NT - (bepatient)
         Pax vobiscum: WAS funny..._ comin from a bleedin Vicar! :-\ufffd -NT - (Ashton)

Due to a vast miscalculation, it was accidentally swallowed by a small dog.
36 ms