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New Ai yi yi.

Obama will take part in a round-table discussion on Feb. 28 in Washington. He plans to travel to Boston for another round-table and a dinner on March 5. All of the events will benefit the Democratic National Committee, which is still paying off debt from the 2012 presidential election.

Emphasis added.


Left nothing on the table, I guess. Still, people giving to a political organization usually aren't enthusiastic about paying off old debt rather than helping candidates...

New That's nice.
With any luck they will declare bankruptcy and fold operations. Then maybe the Democrats will quit running republicans pretending to be democrats.
On the other paw, the only thing Obama shows competence at is hoovering up money and giving speeches that are unconnected with reality. He should be right at home.
New But.. he's a nice guy!
I have doubts that ANY homo-sap can/could! fulfill the oft diametrically-opposed 'duties' of this ephemeral title,
President of the disUnited States of Murica.

ANY. ONE. So, whomever gets the result of elections funded by a handful of billionaires/ditto "congress":
Will Fail to be appreciated by.. oh, some random range of 25%-->75% of the mind-disconnected vox-populi..
It may well be that: you CANNOT 'govern' 300M homo-saps in any sense of that word
(which implies Active Citizens not 24/7 blithering idiots.)

Years ago..
{{swirly brown mists}}

One Art Hoppe--beloved columnist (rarely a calyumnist) at S.F. Chronicle, launched the
Love Everybody (but Antarcticans!) Crusade.

His thesis was bone simple: We Gots to Have--at least someone--to Hate.

The logo was a penguin. With knife protruding from back (no blood--was in B&W.)
Came across my membership card t'other day..
He died at 74 (lung cancer IIRC) on 2-2-00

Now BHO is that penguin.
(And: so will the next egotist.. and the next.. because Muricans won't be capable of self-government for the Foreseeable.)

New Last point's true for the wrong reasons...
As long as we have an unelected committee representing the .1% selecting the candidates, self-government will remain an impossibility.

Stooge A or Stooge B? YOU made the choice! This is all YOUR fault! You get the government YOU choose!
democracy or bullshit? you choose...
New Quite agree, that his record of uplifting rhetoric has
become less and less followed by implied Action; it seems that he is so fearful of the political losses of a decent proposal failing to overcome the Nutters,
that he caves and then rationalizes.

[Yess, Mr. Prez: we fucking-See! the anarchy being advanced by the demagogues. Choosing surrender over a well-honed and direct attack
--on the pabulum beneath their rhetoric--is merely the obvious Gutless response. Simply: you Dare-not.]

Fucked-again by sententious sonnets, un-backed by courage :-/
A bully-pulpit, hardly ever dusted off. (And He Knows how to 'speak', actually)--that's the incongruous part.
He may be quite duller in his imagination than his polished, ever-so-'logical' constructs ... reveal.
We have no means, ever, of pre-assessing that sort of fatal flaw until we see it in (non-) actions.
     Ai yi yi. - (Another Scott) - (4)
         That's nice. - (hnick) - (3)
             But.. he's a nice guy! - (Ashton) - (2)
                 Last point's true for the wrong reasons... - (hnick) - (1)
                     Quite agree, that his record of uplifting rhetoric has - (Ashton)

The Idler of Champions.
46 ms