'overview-scale' Problem, the Generic math one:

Many/most? exponentials do not promise or present a reliable inflection point enroute to ever-^upwards^.
As we are amidst the burgeoning of unprecedented instant-techno advances in many fields, some by orders-of-magnitude!
so is it necessary for any Watchdogs to reliably note dV/dt and try to stay level with the daily 'improvements'.

Nobody in government (or.. the rest of us) can rely on former time-frames/past experiences of 'progressive oversight',
for checking how initial safeguards worked-to-date, where these did not; where to fine-tune etc.
--with some expectation that we shall have time to revise before much damage occurs, of irreversible scale.

I think that's where we Are.
Just as you can never retrieve anything, once on the Intarweb; so cannot you undo the--almost-certain--proliferation of ..'Oh, just a few'??
mondo-dbases being duplicated/secreted. Amongst the accelerating multitudes.

You still want to wait-and-see. We need only look at the 'end'-date of our (ongoing) Civil War --> 1964! when the first Civil Rights Acts-with-teeth ... finally came about,
largely if not Only, via the psychological zeitgeist of honoring an assassinated President.
(I watched the Reactionaries' ritual-objections fade-down as nearly all the meeja demonstrated both the Power and the Will ... to excoriate fringe nay-sayers.)

We Will See, of course. (We'd best both be actively Watching for the duration, though, eh?
I'm just not waiting for a fait accompli to confirm any of the easy extrapolations from today.)
Rampant clinical-insanity has never before approached today's levels. You tell Me what that 'means'??

[Rhetorical question]--there are no experts in the unprecedented. BHO is, however an Expert at reliably exuding calmness, in the face of.. umm, [What'cha Got?]