Only significant LInux [+] evident to moi was (also obvious.) Each OS on a User's hdwre is a [-] for Beastware and all who double-deal within Her.

We may presume that the Source-code for whatever China-Official-Linux will NOT be a download anywhere; if that is the case:
Gonna be hell closing all those back- side- inverted doors without such, amirite?
What actual 'Power' could any US/Int'l Agency have, to prohibit this violation of Copy-Left and Linux gospel?
(Hey! aren't the Commyunists already Lefties?)

BTW--there may be provenance for the '03 M$ revelations.. doesn't mean (after all those Fix-Packs) they didn't also tacitly receive the updated versions later. (We just don't know.)

Sure glad I'm not the Dictator/Commander-for-Liff of ANY 21st Century collection of surly, soggy and-hard-to-light Tribes.
Ya can't really play with your Veyron when there are ... apparatchiks with ricin-coated pellet ammo, just about anywhere. Platinum-prison that Generalissimo spot.