I can just barely remember going to my 54 year old grandfather's funeral that was most definitely caused by liver failure due to alcohol. In my own family, I've seen it destroy three marriages and cause innumerable health problems. I've also seen four kids left motherless and two orphaned by pot.

This new research on pot is worrisome to me, though. Brief, light use in adolescents might result in permanent brain alterations? Even I didn't suspect that. Then there's the trans-generational impact study this year. The closer we look, the scarier this gets. This all seems tightly correlated with adolescents. I think you are dead bang on limiting to age 25 and up (including alcohol and driver's licenses - hell, you can get a glider's license at 16 and a powered pilot's license at 17 and I think that's nuts).

That's probably the geezer in me and my way of saying, "Kids these days."