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New Almost as intuitive a judgment as,
'The difference between HCN and HCl (L) ... is only two letters' ... close enough..

{{dark--swirly--mist}} back in chem class/experiment day: [all true]

Looking at usual oxygen generator, KClO3 + catalyst.. (Potassium Chlorate)
Guy has it in an ignition tube (heavy-test-tube); I see little white POP!!s on surface, as he heats.

I say, semi-jocularly--only "semi-"--"Better watch it; that looks ready to expl______"
Blood, from mouth; guy freaking out.. lead him to infirmary--some glass cut a gum! Not gonna Die.
NO safety goggles (either of us) ...
Glass all over; I got not a scratch.

Turns out that the stockroom guy had given him KClO4 (Potassium Perchlorate!)
--which isn't a great Oxygen generator; it generates it, of course but ... All-At-Once.

Lucky, Lucky -- just like those folks drinking this Unknown-crap still strong enough to smell..
Unless it should turn out that ... they are Unlucky?
THIS.. in 2014, What we are getting is: !=smarter. And it shows every day.
New Used to have a chem teacher like that
6' something, bald as an eagle, with small round-rimmed glasses.

One day during recess, something went BOOM. Next thing, the window to the chem classroom opens, smoke billowing out. Slowly, that bald head came out, going Heh-Heh-Heh, then just as slowly back inside and he closed the window.

On another occasion, during a test, he put a scale of ether on one side of his bench and lit a burner on the other side. About 10 minutes later, *WHOOSH*. "Alright, time to hand in the papers"...

Probably would get hisself arrested in 10 seconds flat these days :-/
New N/A in this case..
Just.. back-in-days of stone knives/bearskins, well before nice cheap polycarbonate goggles and face-shields,
quantity-orders of safety-equip never got past bean-counters.

The KClO3 was a known no-brainer re any surprises.
Am biased re 'Muy' natch; a seminal influence and also a friend til his demise a few years ago.
My (sometimes 'our') dicier investigations were done in one of two hoods with unknown-plastic doors.

('Course too.. if anything ever did go-wrong go-wrong, doubtless the underfunded Teacher would get the dead chicken hanging from door knob. As now.)

'Twas human/well.. 'student' error (same thing that got most of us 'here'?) reading the bloody-Label.
     MCHM: a reminder why nobody knows Anything on n+1 chemicals - (Ashton) - (4)
         Translated - (scoenye) - (3)
             Almost as intuitive a judgment as, - (Ashton) - (2)
                 Used to have a chem teacher like that - (scoenye) - (1)
                     N/A in this case.. - (Ashton)

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
52 ms