in humongous numbers--from one place t'another (usually in pursuit of a Nobel or other prize for superior model-making.)
Who'd a thunk that the omniverse was chock-full of ... humongous numbers too, of OH- ions!
more or less just meandering about, along some silica and.. just..
..Waiting for Godot !?

(And what an exquisite appreciation) demonstrated in launching this experiment, for: just how vanishingly-small bits
--if there are enough of them nearby, can supply a planet with enough of this Elixir to, say, in some next:
Grow the improved-successor to Homo-Sap.

(Maybe this new species traps a few of our quadrillionth-watt I Love Lucy broadcasts--as reach them just before they ponder ...
The Curious Question of the Isotope which Splits, somehow?)

Maybe Piet Hein was ~wrong? We might even be Missed. Right?