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New Don't panic
It wasn't your mention of the demo that made be buy the game. It was a coworker that had bought and was enjoying it.

And I have to admit, I enjoyed it. But having finished it, I have no further desire to play with the game what so ever. I probably wouldn't even buy an expansion pack unless it was cheap.

Diablo II on the other hand was good enough I played three different characters from start to finish, and took one through again at the second level of difficulty. And having finished Dungeon Siege, I'm hungry to go back and play Diablo II some more.

From the little I know of how the game design evolved, it does look like it was massivly cut back. The early comments I saw about the game where almost positioning it against Neverwinter Nights more then Diablo II.

Hopefully they will do a Dungeon Siege II, with the same graphics engine and a rewritten game to back it.

New My cynical side suggests...
...the DS II was very much part of the business plan. Make Dungeon Siege fab enough, but leave plenty of room for improvements...

lo and behold, Dungeon Siege II. Tell you what, I lvoe that idea about having the party split up and having to find a way to meet up again, etc... very clever. Well, not in a book/film/etc, but it seems fairly novel for a computer game. (No, Donkey Kong doesn't count :) )
On and on and on and on,
and on and on and on goes John.
     Dungeon Siege - (JayMehaffey) - (3)
         Methinks I should prefix my reviews... - (inthane-chan) - (2)
             Don't panic - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
                 My cynical side suggests... - (Meerkat)

That's the kind of thing I enjoyed watching for hours on acid.
30 ms