(when I was paying insufficient-Attention.)

'Foreseeable'--is about there possibly appearing some two-way synthesizer of Our-mumble/mumble 'speech' phonemes and theirs, at least with..
some basic signals Nailed: like Danger! (and its opposite~~I!/It! will-Not!! hurt you). ie. in most practical area re Cats:
This carrier box is here so that I can help get your paw/guts/fixed; YOUR TEETH/mouth cleaned!!
--and like that!

Discussions of Schopenhaur or why Repos are species-killers-for-profit? will have to wait, maybe forever; animals are not nearly as compulsively seeking clarifications about the ineffable
as we--the dumbest-'sentients' yet uncovered.

It seems that, from just this one researcher's lengthy experience plus what I/we already know about ease of 'electronic implementations' (once an idea is clear-enough to model)
that we really are near-to the above.

So... mofos: screw the perfection of thermonuclear trigger mechanisms and MAKE It So!