Every day I feel heartened that IÂm not the only one who feels this way, and that there are a lot of us.
Not just a 'Hope' here--the Dude's Got Stats. So I can share with him something else,
~Proof that OTHERS are increasingly aware of the ABYSS (we now share...with penguins)
You know: where all stand around a cliff-let, ready to jump-in and go fishing?
Their process is: Everyone starts waving around their flippers--with gusto.
Eventually One loses balance and falls/dives-into the sea (full of unknown-) predators??
When ... If ... s/he surfaces, intact:
The rest of the troops go for lunch, not unwary--but slightly reassured.
The dis-USA: waiting to Plunge-In and Take an unmistakably-Clear Stand against the US-Taliban.
Are such USAians ... yet ... sufficiently reassured that they HAVE 'company'?
What, ever.. shall 'they' be waiting-for, next ... One Asks (vehemently, at times)