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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Excellent. Thanks.
Note the update, too.


New Thanks.. even >Excellent is, his closing comment

Every day I feel heartened that I’m not the only one who feels this way, and that there are a lot of us.

Not just a 'Hope' here--the Dude's Got Stats. So I can share with him something else,
~Proof that OTHERS are increasingly aware of the ABYSS (we now share...with penguins)
You know: where all stand around a cliff-let, ready to jump-in and go fishing?

Their process is: Everyone starts waving around their flippers--with gusto.
Eventually One loses balance and falls/dives-into the sea (full of unknown-) predators??
When ... If ... s/he surfaces, intact:
The rest of the troops go for lunch, not unwary--but slightly reassured.

The dis-USA: waiting to Plunge-In and Take an unmistakably-Clear Stand against the US-Taliban.
Are such USAians ... yet ... sufficiently reassured that they HAVE 'company'?
What, ever.. shall 'they' be waiting-for, next ... One Asks (vehemently, at times)

G O D O T ???
New >>> there are a lot of us.
What can they do?

They can do anything
you can't stop them
from doing.


It goes on one at a time,
it starts when you care
to act, it starts when you do
it again and they said no,
it starts when you say We
and know you who you mean, and each
day you mean one more.

Marge Piercy, The Low Road


Expand Edited by dmcarls Jan. 10, 2014, 01:37:21 PM EST
New Yes. after 'Silent Spring' that attitude-change was advanced
Then --> ... Years ... Decades ... -->||

We're still working on it. Against that Indifference-barrier.
(But then, since 9-27-62 publication--shortly before Cuba-near-WW-III--the Rate of Distractions has steadily risen;
With now nonillions of transistor-junctions humming: it continues to rise, exponentially.
Good Signal still -vs- perpetually-worsening Noise.

I doubt that we HAVE the time left to, confab? with one-demented-hand at a time, patiently seeking at least one Aha!! and hoping for an epiphany.
It's going to be a Mass-media War; War for the eyeballs of enough already-influential Icons: because we are all 'ants' now, in the face of Famousness.

     Self-induced abortions rising in Texas - (Another Scott) - (7)
         Where was that prophetic story? - (static) - (5)
             Entirely appropriate characterization of the matter, Wade - (Ashton)
             Excellent. Thanks. - (Another Scott) - (3)
                 Thanks.. even >Excellent is, his closing comment - (Ashton) - (2)
                     >>> there are a lot of us. - (dmcarls) - (1)
                         Yes. after 'Silent Spring' that attitude-change was advanced - (Ashton)
         Sociopaths we'll always have to contend with - (Ashton)

Got Snow, Greg?
141 ms