IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New OpenOffice
By far and away the best Word importer.

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New 6 seconds. What counts as a photo-finish in IWETHEY time??
     Any open source word processors... - (marlowe) - (4)
         OpenOffice - (scoenye)
         OpenOffice - (pwhysall) - (1)
             6 seconds. What counts as a photo-finish in IWETHEY time?? -NT - (scoenye)
         catdoc, wordview - (kmself)

And my Gramma, too.
97 ms