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New Interesting, but intro is off base.
The human mind can carry out cognitive tasks that other animals cannot, like using language, envisioning the distant future and inferring what other people are thinking.
Writer must never have seen primates using sign language, or lions hunting, or a dog reading it's owner.

The meat of the article really was interesting, however.
New agree
Dennett calls the last element, "inferring what other [people] are thinking," the intentional stance, by which he means a level of perception such that a creature recognizes the presence of an "interior landscape" in (some) other beings. Example: The World's Best Dog (Who is? He is!), with whom I have the honor of sharing my premises, occasionally likes to take the night air. When he wishes to re-enter the house he is obliged to signal the doorman on duty, since canine researchers have still not worked out what Gary Larsen called "the doorknob principle." He does so by scratching very lightly on the door. If this does not elicit the desired response, he repeats the signal with greater audible force. On one occasion when we had gone to bed, forgetting him outdoors, he left off the kitchen door and traversed the premises to another side of the house, where he awakened us with the sound of his great paws clattering against the bedroom window, which suggests that he knew where we were to be found and that the noise would convey his desire to be re-admitted. The intentional stance, incidentally, has been observed in squirrels, who instead of burying their dainties will, if aware that another squirrel is watching, merely feign the burial.

New And: there's a cat (video! of..) who does Do Doorknobs!
--via a leap off adjacent appliance: curls it in paws enroute (fortunately not a hi-torque assemblage in this case.)

PS:The World's Best Cat is taken: via Cleveland Amory's trilogy about Polar Bear, plus his assertion that "all cats have three names", thus
How he (and Polar Bear) worked-out together.. (That name.) Cat signified, (he said) "Its OK by me."
..but I digress.
     NYT today on mind and brain - (rcareaga) - (5)
         Re: NYT today on mind and brain - (Ashton)
         Interesting, but intro is off base. - (a6l6e6x) - (2)
             agree - (rcareaga) - (1)
                 And: there's a cat (video! of..) who does Do Doorknobs! - (Ashton)
         Re: NYT today on mind and brain - (gcareaga)

I strongly recommend 72 as a good default.
32 ms