I've seen a lot of code, Greg, and I'd wager it's a significantly larger amount than you. Obviously I'm exaggerating when I say that Perl is "write only". I've seen decent looking Perl, yes, but the probability is much more likely that you'll come across unreadable Perl than, say, Python.
The "you can write good/bad code in any language" argument doesn't hold water. There are languages in which it is much easier to write good/bad code. Perl, C++, and PHP tend to the bad side. The magnitude is different, too: it's very, very difficult to write code in Python that is as bad to read as the worst Perl.
And, "*most* of the code I can read", larf. I can read all of the Python I've ever seen or wrote, good *or* bad.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Edited by
Dec. 17, 2013, 10:21:49 AM EST
I've seen a lot of code, Greg, and I'd wager it's a significantly larger amount than you. I've seen decent looking Perl, yes, but the probability is much more likely that you'll come across unreadable Perl than, say, Python.
The "you can write good/bad code in any language" argument doesn't hold water. There are languages in which it is much easier to write good/bad code. Perl, C++, and PHP tend to the bad side. The magnitude is different, too: it's very, very difficult to write code in Python that is as bad to read as the worst Perl.
And, "*most* of the code I can read", larf. I can read all of the Python I've ever seen or wrote, good *or* bad.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.